Wednesday, February 2, 2011

sick update

We have had such a wonderful outpour of love, concern, advice from all of you regarding Violet O. and her tummy troubles.  Thank you so so much.  It helps to know that all of you are out there cheering us on...
Violet seems to be improving.  She seems to be feeling much much better, and isn't waking up 4 times a night anymore complaining of her poop gas.  Things in general are getting a bit more solid, and she is eating well (lots of rice and yogurt still, and mild chicken, bananas, and plain noodles), drinking tons of [clean] fluids, and generally is in a much better mood.  I think maybe she wasn't feeling well for quite some time.  If she starts to show some bad signs again, I think we might try taking her to a doctor (one of her teachers stopped by the other night and mentioned that they know of many good pediatricians in the area who specialize in this sort of thing).  

This week Violet and I have been complete homebodies.  We haven't gone to school; mostly we have just been playing in the backyard and going for little walks around the neighborhood, counting the green birdies.  There have been several more book parades.  Also, yesterday she decided to decorate G-raff with stickers.  Poor G-raff, suddenly Violet is very strict with him.  She drags him around the house and points to everything she isn't allowed to touch (the heater, the outlets, etc), and says quite sternly to him "No, No, No G-raff!"  She gets very upset if he doesn't sit up properly, especially during meals, and even showed him how we fold the cloth diapers the other day (maybe he will start helping us around the house?)  I think I am starting to see a little mirror of myself, and the reflection is sometimes a little alarming.  


  1. rachel, please oh please send me your address so i can mail you things. including more stickers for the g-raff. :)

  2. I am still trying to figure out if we can receive mail, or if the family who owns the house is having all of their mail forwarded to where they are now.... I would LOVE to get something from you, I'll keep you posted ;)

  3. Sending love - I am glad to hear V is feeling a bit better!
