Monday, September 13, 2010


So.... I'm thinking of doing cloth diapers with Violet while we're in India.  From everyone I've talked with, it's really the way its done there.  Laundry is sent out, and there isn't much of this wall-to-wall carpet action, so children are potty trained at a much earlier age and accidents are wiped up off the floor.   Also, my sources tell me that disposable diapers are a bit hard to find, and a bit pricy....  So, cotton-bottom here we come!  

Do what is done in India.  

Simple.  right?
Well, actually, it's taken me about 4 months to feel fine about this decision.  I'm just so used to doing things the way I do them.  It's not easy to figure out a routine when you are a first time parent, and so once you have one down, I think it's really hard to sway away from it.  We buy our horrible disposable diapers at Costco.  They are easy in every way.  And they have zebras on them.  When one is soiled, we roll it into a little ball, put it in the diaper genie, and off it goes.  No smell.  No effort.  And it goes away so easily and quickly that even the guilt of using disposable diapers is [almost] completely taken care of.
Funny-- I never ever ever ever thought I would use disposable diapers on my kid-- but now that I'm a mom, I get it.  Cloth diapers = more laundry, more fuss, more thought, more up-front money--  all things to be avoided in every day life when you're a first-time mommy, if possible.
But India is challenging me to rethink all of this a little.  America is one thing, but if the norm in India is to use cloth diapers, and if the whole point of going on this trip is to experience India, why should I try to force this issue?  I have had several suggestions from other moms--  have diapers shipped half way through, have any visitors form the states bring some with them when they come, or even just pack three suitcases full and hope they'll last....

But a good [Indian] friend put it best when she said: The trail of garbage is very visible in India.  I know that I wouldn't feel comfortable brining 300 disposable diapers into the country knowing that they'll stay there for the rest of my life.  

Really, what right do we have to bring these horrendous things into a country whose own people don't use them and whose garbage system may not even be able to handle them?
Of course, the later part of this question applies to anywhere on earth-- even Seattle.  Violet's diapers will outlive her no matter where we are.
That is just the truth.

Anyway, I am doing my research, and trying to figure out the best cloth diapers to buy.
Here is some advice from a friend who, bless her soul, already uses cloth diapers on her kid (and they aren't even going to India!)

"i have a mix of bum genius and fuzzi bunz diapers.  i like the snaps on the fuzzi bunz but i think the bum genius leak less.  if i were buying more/again, i'd stick to the bum genius.  i have 16 diapers and do laundry every other day.  i also bought some inserts that are made of hemp (called superdo or something) to put in for night-time or longer stretches since the cloth probably need to be changed every 2-3 hours or they'll leak.  that worked for a while at night but we recently converted to huggies overnight disposables for nighttime cuz he was still waking up covered in pee.  sadly, we have to put him in disposables for daycare.

if you want to come over and check out my stash of cloth diapers, i'm happy to show them to you at some point.  you can go to the diaper lady in ballard and check out pretty much any type of diaper you hear about.  look at if you wanted her info.  i went to her house to look at stuff but i bought my diapers in bulk online from the cheapest place i could find them.

good luck!!"  

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