Thursday, March 3, 2011


Oh, India.  Really?  Is this some sort of final exam?
All this time, we were doing so well-- I mean, pretty much ok, with a few kicks and trips here and there.  But now, I feel like death.  And so does Tyler.  Violet is just barely hanging in there, trying to keep us all laughing, I think.
Tuesday night it all began; the horrible chills, the fever, the gut pains, the everything awful.  The three of us have barely left the house since then.  Barely left the bathroom.  Barely had a single bite to eat.

Oh, India.  We will miss you a little, I think.  But right now we are so missing home that every day of the not-even-two-weeks we have left is absolutely driving us crazy.  


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. Had the same thing this last weekend, but at least I could curl up on the couch and send Pete to the store for 7-up.

  2. Oh no!! I guess it's not a trip to India without some sort of intestinal distress! Did you all climb in the shower?

  3. Oh, no! Can't wait to see you all soon! Feel better!!!
